A. Someone lowers their sunglasses just enough to look over them. (Usually directed towards a girl) -5 points

B. Someone talks directly to the camera. (I thought Ferris Bueller was pretty good though) -5 points

C. People hold up scorecards giving ratings of a passer-by. -15 points

D. Chicks in bikinis laying on their stomachs on a beach in a row of six or more. -15 points Take away an additional 76 points if there's a guy at the end of the row saying something to the effect of, "I love this place". If the guy is Eric Roberts subtract 150 points.

E. Some guy gets pushed into a pool by someone he doesn't know. -10 points Add 65 points however if the guy is pushed into an empty pool and he dies.

F. The main character looks like a retard. -10 points The main character is a retard. +20 points

G. Grandpa from the Munsters shows up. -15 points

H. Martial arts movie where the main character's name is not Bruce Lee, but Bruce [Le, Li, Lei, Lie]. -15 points

I. Main character is a professional wrestler. Instant channel change

If the final score is lower than –3 points, you have wasted 2 hours (+/- 30 mins.) of your life.