1. If she plays
hard to get, let her go. This is the first step that leads to you being whipped
[if the relationship lasts].
2. If she ever
says, "I thought we decided you wouldn't do that anymore." or
any variation. Red Flag! Her conclusion was drawn without you even knowing about it.
The only one who decided was her and the discussion between you two took place
only in her mind. End it.
3. Don't think
you need to treat her any better than she treats you. While you're out buying
her shit and treating her like a queen, she's at home sitting on her lazy ass
thinking that looking pretty and giving you sex is an even trade-off. It's not.
4. If you're an
intelligent guy, stay away from stupid chicks. After a while their stupidity
will piss you off even when they're not around.
5. Never
give any new girl the impression that you're going to spend money on her or
play any games. You should come off as just a nice, no nonsense guy that won't
take any shit.
6. Stay away from
girls that are real hot that also act like they're real hot. These kinds of
girls think you need to do things for them to keep them from leaving. If you're
a good looking guy and have enough confidence, try to belittle them in some
creative fashion before giving them the boot and ignoring them forever.
7. Stay away
from chicks that play video games, burp, and talk worse than Samuel L.
Jackson in a war movie. They might seem cool but they're usually the ones that
let themselves go. You'd be better off with your best friend.
9. Watch out for
girls that need compliments all the time. Insecurity is unneeded baggage.
10. Never pay for
sex. Take that in any context.
Remember these words I am saying to you. Print it out, fold it, rub
it down..no wait...put it in your wallet. Show it only to other buddies and
potential serious relationshippers. Compromise is acceptable as long as you
stay true to the majority of the rules. Just like a good duck hunter you have
to weed through all the coon tails and muddy water before you pounce on your
unsuspecting prey with your shotgun. That may not be a good analogy but
everything before it pretty much explained itself.